Sunday, August 12, 2012

On the road again...

Anyone that knows me knows that I don't sit still for long.. and that goes for staying home as well… not two weeks back from a trip to France I could not help myself… we took a short trip to Whistler! I don't really consider Whistler a real trip… it is only an hour and a half away… and we are going up so often now it feels like a second home.

This trip including some cycling and a wonderful hike in the alpine trails at the top of the Blackcomb mountain…..

How can you not be in awe of where we live…..

Wild flowers in full bloom!

And of course…. still snow at the top!

The Crankworks festival was in full gear…! 20 somethings, 30 somethings, and even 60 somethings… all on mountain bikes… doing some pretty extreme things, fun to watch.. but I like keeping my rubber on the road.. well… at least as often as I can…..

A couple of other notes….. well I have given in and started a Twitter account… two actually.. one for just my to do's.. and the second was motivated by what I seem to ask myself every day…. its called "So I have a question…" and its meant to be a place for me to make questioned observations about the world around me….. stuff like, When did ankle socks and sandals become ok? and How are jeans with a zipper that's one centimetre long actual supposed to fit?

Anyway… I have added to the blog for those downtimes between posts :-)

Till next time, happy chatting…..