Saturday, July 2, 2011

One Year Anniversary....

Well its been a year now since we made the move to Vancouver, and pardon the predictability, but how time has flown by. So many things have happened and yet so many things remain the same. The question I get often is "Are you happy in Vancouver?" Usually asked wish a tentative look on people faces......the simple answer is yes. There are many things I miss about living in Victoria, mainly the people, but also the small town feel and nature that was always at my finger tips.

So what has happened since my reallocation to the big city? Well the very first task that was one of the best things to have happened to me was the need to downsize....going from a 2500 SQ FT house to an 800 SQ FT condo meant getting rid of a lot of stuff.....I mean a lot!

But if felt great....I am not sure completely why but it was very cleansing, almost like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Now we have a small storage locker and that's it.....there are bike rooms (thank god!) and we have an in suite pantry that I could not live without. But all in all what I see is what I have and its all I need, not once have I reflected and said we should not have gotten rid of something.....actually that's a lie, a bucket....yes something as simple as a bucket I did not keep! Of course my clothes and shoes are the hardest thing to keep in control....we have a Cystic fibrosis donation bin in the building so when too many new items make their way into my closet a bag goes into the bin....ok..maybe not the shoes ;-)

Speaking of shoes, since moving here I have amassed a collection of shoes from a local designer.....he is even in  the Shoe museum! John Fluevog, I am in love with his shoes...they are comfortable, pretty, but most of all unique. Grab a pair if you ever get a chance too!

So what have I learned about living in Vancouver for a year....? I love living in  the city, I am absolutely sure that if I had to drive and make a long commute I could not survive! We are in False Creek, close to downtown by not right in the middle of it all, so safe from riots....The heart of Yaletown is a 5 minute walk away, as is Granville island, and a 25 minute walk to work...for both Dwight and I.

This neighbourhood is great! and there is always something happening.......last weekend there was a summer solstice festival, this weekend is of course Canada Day, and Jazz Fest! Certainly a never ending list of things to do and places to go.......

A big part of my life in Victoria was triathlon, that has certainly changed. Sometimes I reflect and wish I was still that fit...but mainly I miss the friends I used to train with. Don't get me wrong, we are still keeping least a little. In some ways I am happy to take a break from that singular focus, I have enjoyed the chance to explore different sports, without the move to Vancouver its not likely I would have started skate skiing, or started a yoga practice that I now do almost everyday. We still run (albeit not far) and I pulled by bike out last month for the first time in a year.....and rode with a sense of fun, something I had not done for sometime.

This weekend was the start of our regular trip up the Grouse Grind...a torturous 3km hike up Grouse Mountain, what a great workout! Its like continuous hill work, and the goal is always "don't stop!" It definitely feels good when you are done!

So thee main reason for the big move was for a job I had landed....well all that has changed! As of next week I am starting my career as a public servant, yes...I have landed a role with the Ministry of Finance! I am very excited, Dwight keeps telling me that I need to prepare myself to work a little slower however I don't think that will be the case. The role is with the Financial Institution Commission of BC and I am looking forward to not having to call myself a banker anymore! The one great thing about working for the government of BC is that in BC they are the largest employer....and that means that there is a ton of opportunity to move around.....maybe even to back to Victoria someday!! Check it out if you want to do some light reading......!!

So when I reflect on the past year I think about the friends I miss in Victoria, but I also think about how wonderful the city of Vancouver is, how much I enjoy everything it has to offer.

Time's passage is one of the constants in life, it will always go on, how we spend it is what matters.........

till next time happy chatting......

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