Sunday, March 6, 2011


I had the absolute pleasure of spending time with my friends this weekend, some I have not seen for over 6 months. Yet within moments I felt at home, at ease with each of them, comfortable with myself and our relationships. I started thinking, what creates friendship? What sustains it? Can a friendship last forever? I am sure that I cannot and will not give this subject the depth that it deserves however I reserve the right to write about it again!

Most people would not know this about me, and when I say it the response I get is often disbelief....but I don’t make friends easily.  I tend to manage acquaintances well, and often have a lot of them, but friends.....friends are difficult to me because I need to commit. What I mean by that is when I get close to people I need to commit myself to them and that takes a leap of faith, a leap that if taken too often can lead to disappointment, so I choose to slowly and cautiously commit myself to people.  But when I do its extremely rewarding for me, you see I need friends, need the wonderful energy that they unselfishly provide, need the understanding they naturally give, and need the support that they offer. 

So what creates friendship, I think connections are different for everyone. Deep connections, ones that create trust, respect, interest and love are the connections the bloom into friendships. Have you ever met someone and almost instantly said to yourself, I would like to get to know this person....not because they have an interesting life or they seem eccentric, but there is just something that you feel......something that seems familiar to you,  a deep understanding.  

Once we make this connection, can we keep it forever? My answer is yes, I think we can. It’s not easy, it takes work but I think it is something that can be done. I personally believe that a key to real friendship is to not to be judgmental. Your friends will make decisions that you may or may not agree with, or make choices that you would not make. Some of these choices may even draw them away from you but it’s you that can choose acceptance rather than rejection.  Personal paths can move in different directions but how we move along and who we move along with is our choice. 

I have a friend in Ottawa that we send the Christmas cards to, exchange emails with, and have only seen once since we moved to BC, but I truly feel my connection with this person is as deep and meaningful as it was 10 years ago.  I guess it’s also your commitment to the connections you have built and the commitment from the other side of the relationship as well.  Some friendships will come and go but for me once I am in.....I am in 100% and no matter what the risk is I think it’s worth it.................

So this weekend was wonderfully uplifting for me, I gained back some liveliness, some love, and a reminder that I have people in my life that are good and soulful. So thank you to all, I hope to visit often and take advantage of all of the gifts of friendship that you provide...............

I have included some photo’s and I do respect that fact that you may not what your pretty face published on the internet...if your image is here and you would like me to take it off please just send me a note and I will do so immediately!!

Till next time, happy chatting.

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